Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 5- A bit of a break

Everyone should sweat at least once a day.  It feels so nice and it's so good for you.

My run yesterday (writing this up the morning after) was extremely short, in all totaling a little over a mile.  I went out with two besties and we ended up chatting for the majority of the time.  Then I went home and did about 25 sit-ups, some knee strengthening exercises, and called it a night.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 4- I get by with a little help from my much faster running friend

Today I went for a brief but challenging run with my friend who possesses a lot more running skill than I do.
We ended up completing approximately 3 miles at a difficult pace, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  During crew I would be required to run two miles tops, and it was at a very friendly pace.  I am certainly not used to long runs, let alone long runs while going fast (yes I know for xcountry people a long run is at least 8 miles but this is very long for me thank you very much).  Although it was mental and physical torture at the time, I feel extremely accomplished after my run today.
My kneecap was painful towards the end of the run, so when I got home, I did the exercises for that (I have a problem with my right kneecap shifting every so often).  I proceeded to do core for about 5 minutes.
Running with a buddy was helpful, as it pushed me time-wise and also made it so that I didn't stop (except for a particularly painful kneecap moment towards the end).  I would definitely recommend finding a person a tad faster than you to get you moving and push you to succeed!
All in all it was a very nice workout, I am going to work on building up my endurance!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 1- This is a judgement-free blog

This blog is officially judgement-free.  No, I am not a good runner, so my times and such are not going to be great...

Today during gym class (yay phys ed...) we were in the weight room, so I hopped aboard a treadmill.  I did an 8:27 mile, then erged around a 2:10 split time at about 26 s/m for only 1000 meters or so.
I am trying to build up my core, so I did 4 sets of  25 sit-ups, followed by some crunches and planks.

I am going to go out for a run soon if the weather clears up.  If not, most likely I'll do a more in-depth erg workout.  I really like the 1000 meters, 750 meters, 500 meters, 250 meters, 100 meters workout where you complete those distances with a two minute rest in between.

I shall keep ya posted!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 0- Aspirations

Hello, and welcome to my new blog!
I am a fifteen year old rower and I hate running.  I am dreadful at it and have never actually enjoyed it.  However, to stay in shape I am considering joining the cross country team this fall.  How will a girl who can barely run a mile become a distance runner? I don't know, but I'll find out!
I will keep y'all updated on my progress and what exercise I do each day to train myself. Hopefully it will be either informative or entertaining, (informative if it works, entertaining if I fail).
Either way, stay tuned! My little running journey begins tomorrow! x